Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
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 Varsha Dasa

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Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी

Broj poruka : 1855
Datum upisa : 03.06.2015
Godina : 48
Lokacija : प्रभात

Varsha Dasa Empty
PočaljiVarsha Dasa


(planetarni periodi u godišnjem čartu)

U Parasarinom sistemu najvažniji i najčešće korišćen Dasa period je Vimshottari Dasa, slično u Tajiki, Varshphalu, ili godišnjem horoskopu, najvažniji Dasa sistem je Mudda Vimshottari Dasa. On je popularan kod astrologa iz Severne Indije i daje zadivljujuće tačne rezultate. U narednim tekstovima biće dati različiti primeri zasnovani na korišćenju ovog sistema.

BROJ DANA / SATI DODELJEN SVAKOJ PLANETI : ~ imamo 9 planeta, svaka planeta ima vremenski rok kojim vlada (bilo da je dan, bilo da je sat) :

Sunce 18 dana / 6h
Mesec 30 dana / 10h
Mars 21 dana / 7h
Rahu (SMČ) 54 dana / 18h
Jupiter 48 dana / 16h
Saturn 57 dana / 19h
Merkur 51 dana / 17h
Ketu (JMČ) 21 dan / 7h
Venera 60 dana / 21h
ZBIR : 360 dana / 120h


-1- redosled Dasa u Vimshottari sistemu i Mudda Vimshottari sistemu je isti
-2- za nalaženje broja dana / sati dodeljenih svakoj planeti u godišnjoj Dasi (tj. Mudda Vimshottari) pomnožiti broj godina dodeljen u Vimshottari Dasi sa 3. Broj koji dobijamo je broj dana koje dobija planeta. Na primer : Mesec ima 10 godina u Vimshottari Dasi. Stoga, njemu dodeljen broj dana u Mudda Vimshottari su 10 x 3 = 30 dana (primetićete da je broj godina isti kao i broj sati)
-3- gornjim godinama dodeljeni su predpostavljamo 360 dana u jednoj godini. Ako uzmemo 365 dana u toku godine, Dasa period će biti :

Sunce 18 dana 6h
Mesec 30 dana 10h
Mars 21 dan 7h
SMČ (Rahu) 54 dana 18h
Jupiter 48 dana 16h
Saturn 57 dana 19h
Merkur 51 dan17h
JMČ (Ketu) 21 dan 7h
Venera 60 dana 21h


[ C + N ] - 2 / 9

C = navršene godine
N = broj Janma Naksatre pri rodjenju (položaj Meseca  u Nakshatri u natalu)

Tako dobijamo (uzimamo podatke iz natalnog čarta iz primera) C = 25; N = 3 (jer je Mesec u trećoj, Krittika, Nakshatri) i rezultat je 2 količnik i 8 ostatak. Taj ostatak nam daje početnu dasu pri rodjenju[1] te će ovde Ketu Dasa biti početna Dasa.


Ovim metodom samo treba da nadjemo početnu Dasu na početku godine koja nas zanima. Početna Dasa će onda teći u svom kompletnom trajanju. U standardnom horoskopu (tj. primeru) početna Dasa je Ketu Dasa (malopre smo izračunali) Stoga, za prvih 21 dan (od početka godišnjeg horoskopa ~ 07-11-1993) će biti Ketu Dasa. Posle Ketu ide Venera koja ima 60 dana uticaja, pa onda Sunce sa 18 dana itd.


Podperiodi se lako mogu izračunati ako se koristi sledeći metod[2] :

Početak i kraj podperioda ~ Godina ~ Mesec ~ Datum ~ Sat :
Ketu ~ 1968 0~ 11 0~ 07 21~ 11 0
Venera početak podperiod 1968 0 11 00 38 10 11 00
Podperiod Venere se završava u Sunčev podperiod počinje 1968 00 12 00 8 03 11 00
Podperod Sunca se završava ~ 1968 ~ 12 ~ 11 ~ 11

         PRIMER : ženska osoba rodjena 22.10.1972. u 13h 55min u New Delhi (dan rodjenja ~ Nedelja)

Varsha Dasa Xdw841

Mars 05-20-20 = 5 znaka 20 stepeni 16 dana
Početna Vimshottari Dasa : Ketu SMČ 5 godina 7 meseci 16 dana
Janma Naksatra : Ashwini

    Sad odradimo godišnji čart za ovaj primer ~ uzećemo 23-ću godinu (Oktobar 1994 ~ Oktobar 1995)

KORAK 1 : Upišemo vreme rodjenja, kao dane - sate - minute - sekunde : 07-13-55-00
KORAK 2 : Konstanta za navršenih 22 godine : 06-15-21-34
KORAK 3 : Saberemo i dobijemo : 07-05-16-34 ~ izbrišemo 7 i dobijamo rezultat : 00-05-16-34
KORAK 4 : Varshparvesh za 23-ću godinu će biti najbliže Nedelji (0 je Nedelja) 23-10-1994 u 05h16min34sec i onda odradimo taj čart (uzimamo mesto rodjenja, ne mesto trenutnog prebivališta!) :

Datum : 23-10-1994
Vreme : 05h16m34s
Mesto : Delhi
Muntha : Škorpija

Varsha Dasa 30v1y69

KORAK 5 : Muntha ~ Navršene 22 godine, ASC rodjenja Jarac = 10 pa onda : 22+10=32:12=2,8 ~ 8 ostatak = Škorpija Muntha
KORAK 6 _ Varsha Dasa (Mudda Vimshottari) : koristi se data formula :

(C+N) - 2        (22+1)-2
------------ = ------------------ = 21/9 = količnik 2, ostatak 3
     9                    9

    Ostatak 3 je početna Dasa ~ Mars Dasa ~ pa će tako prvih 21 dan pripadati Mars Dasa u Varsh Parveshu.


Yogini Dasa po PArasarinom sistemu za hororskop rodjenja razmatran je detaljno u delu vezanom za "Yogini i Kalacakra Dase". Ova dasa je popularna kod TA u predelu Himalaja.

KORAK 1 : dodajte navršen broj godina broju Nakshatre pri rodjenju. Onda, tom broju dodajte broj 3 i podelite sa 8. Zanemarite količnik i ostatak će dati početnu Dasu na rodjenju, kao u sledećoj tabeli :

    1          Mangala           Mesec                         10
    2          Yogini Dasa      Sunce                         20
    3          Dhanaya          Jupiter                        30
    4          Bhramari          Mars                           40
    5          Bhadrika          Merkur                        50
    6          Ulka                 Saturn                        60
    7          Siddha             Venera                       70
  0/8         Sankata          Rahu                           80

    U našem primeru, Janma Nakshatra je Krittika / 3. Navršene godine : 25. Iz ovih informacija dobijamo :

------------ = količnik 3, ostatak 7

    Kako je ostatak 7, početna Dasa biće Siddha Venera i ona će trajati tokom prvih 70 dana. Ovde rezultat Dase takodje može da se izračuna i jednim drugim metodom, ali autor smatra da je ta matematika ne samo preteška, već i pogrešna (neispravna) Podperiodi Yogini Dase mogu se jednostavno i proporcionalno izračunati.

    U ovom primeru, Janma Nakshatra je Ashwini (1) a osoba ima navršenih 22 godine za čart koji računamo, pa je to 1+22=23 ~ tome dodamo 3 i podelimo sa 8 ~ količnik 3, ostatak 2. Dakle početna Dasa prema tabeli je Dasa Pingale Sunce i trajaće prvih 20 dana.

Naksatre i njihov opseg i vladari prema Vimshottari Dasa sistemu :

Varsha Dasa Nakshatratable

Dodatak :

1. 1 za Sunce Dasu 2 za Mesec Dasu 3 za Mars Dasu 4 za SMČ Dasu 5 Jupiter Dasu 6 Saturn Dasu 7 Merkur Dasu 8 JMČ Dasu 9 Venera Dasu
2. moja napomena : u Djotišu je JAKO bitno da učenik ima puno svezaka, olovaka, papira, vremena i volje, jer se ovde sve bazira na matematici, pisanju, pisanju, pisanju, jer Hindu astrolozi sve rade "peške" retko ko će raditi sve ovo preko kompjutreskog programa...
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Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:14 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Da bi lakše protumačili uticaj planeta jedne na drugu, mora da se poznaje podela na "prijatelj - neprijatelj" :

1. Sunce - prijatelji Mesec Mars i Jupiter ~ Venera i Saturn neprijatelji.

2. Mesec - prijatelji Sunce Jupiter Mars ~ Merkur Venera i Saturn neprijatelji.

3. Mars - prijatelji Sunce Mesec i Jupiter ~ Saturn Venera i Merkur su neprijatelji.

4. Merkur - prijatelji Sunce i Venera ~ Mars Saturn Mesec su neprijatelji.

5. Jupiter - prijatelji Sunce Mesec i Mars ~ Venera i Merkur su neprijatelji.

6. Venera - prijatelji Merkur i Saturn~ Sunce i Mesec neprijatelji.

7. Saturn - prijatelji Merkur i Venera ~ Sunce Mesec i Mars neprijatelji.

Takodje, treba znati koje su planete benefici, a koje malefici :

Benefici : Mesec Jupiter Merkur Venera
Malefici : Sunce Mars Saturn SMČ JMČ

Kada odredjujemo snagu planeta, treba znati sledeće :

Jupiter Merkur su najsnažniji u 1 polju
Venera Mesec su najsnažniji u 4 polju
Saturn je najsnažniji u 7 polju
Sunce Mars su najsnažniji u 10 polju
SMČ i JMČ nemaju polje u kojem su snažni.

Spaljenost takodje utiče na snagu planete, pa je orbis delovanja sledeći :

Mars do 17°
Merkur kada je Retro do 12° a kada je :dir: do 14°
Venera do 8°
Saturn do 15°
Jupiter do 11°[2]

Aspekti ~ u Djotišu se "aspekti" tretiraju u razmaku od polja do polja (kuće u čartu) Svaka planeta iz jednog polja ima specifično (i jedino) "aspektovanje" na drugu planetu. Podela je sledeća :

Graha : Polje :
Sunce 7
Mesec 7
Merkur 7
Venera 7
Mars 4 - 7 - 8
Jupiter 5 - 7 - 9
Saturn 3 - 7 - 10
SMČ Rahu 5 - 7 - 9
JMČ Ketu nema uticaj ni na jednu planetu[3]


Sunce :
~ egzaltacija : 10° Ovan
~ moolatrikona (sedište) 04°-20° Lav
~ debilitacija : 10° Vaga

Mesec :
~ egzaltacija : 03° Bik
~ moolatrikona : 04°-20° Rak
~ debilitacija : 03° Škorpija

Mars :
~ egzaltacija : 28° Jarac
~ moolatrikona : 00°-12° Ovan
~ debilitacija : 28° Rak

Merkur :
~ egzaltacija : 15° Devica
~ moolatrikona : 16°-20° Devica
~ debilitacija : 15° Ribe

Jupiter :
~ egzaltacija : 05° Rak
~ moolatrikona : 00°-10° Strelac
~ debilitacija : 05° Jarac

Venera :
~ egzaltacija : 27° Ribe
~ moolatrikona : 00°-15° Vaga
~ debilitacija : 27° Devica

Saturn :
~ egzaltacija : 20° Vaga
~ moolatrikona : 00°-20° Vodolija
~ debilitacija : 20° Ovan

Rahu SMČ (suvladar Vodolije)
~ egzaltacija : Bik Blizanci
~ moolatrikona : Devica
~ debilitacija : Škorpija Strelac

Ketu JMČ (suvladar Škorpiona)
~ egzaltacija : Škorpija Strelac
~ moolatrikona : Ribe
~ debilitacija : Bik Blizanci

Prirodni odnos planeta medjusobno (pored "prijatelj" i "neprijatelj" ima i "neutralno") : ova podela predstavlja stav jedne planete prema drugoj :

Sunce :
~ prijatelj : Mesec Mars Jupiter
~ neutralan : Merkur
~ neprijatelj : Venera Saturn

Mesec :
~ prijatelj : Sunce Merkur
~ neutralan : Mars Jupiter Venera Saturn
~ neprijatelj : Merkur Venera Saturn[5]

Mars :
~ prijatelj : Sunce Mesec Jupiter
~ neutralan : Venera Saturn
~ neprijatelj : Merkur

Merkur :
~ prijatelj : Sunce Venera
~ neutralan : Mars Jupiter Saturn
~ neprijatelj : Mesec

Jupiter :
~ prijatelj : Sunce Mesec Mars
~ neutralan : Saturn
~ neprijatelj : Merkur Venera

Saturn :
~ prijatelj : Venera Merkur
~ neutralan : Jupiter
~ neprijatelj : Sunce Mesec Mars

Rahu SMČ :
~ prijatelj : Sunce Venera
~ neutralan : Mars Merkur Jupiter Saturn
~ neprijatelj : Mesec

Ketu JMČ :
~ prijatelj : Mars
~ neutralan : Mesec Merkur Jupiter Venera Saturn
~ neprijatelj : Sunce


1. !naravno ovo u mnogome zavisi i njihova postavka u znaku / polju čarta, pa je tako ova podela podložna promenama!
2. Mesec varira, dok SMČ i JMČ ne podpadaju pod uticaj Sunca
3. Ovo znači da ako na primer je Sunce 05° Ovan ono će aspektovati Saturn 25° Blizanci ili Jupiter 15° Vaga iako je orbis za nas "zapadnjake" preširok ~ aspekti se u Djotišu baziraju na ZNAKU u suštini, ne na konkretnom orbisu.
4. moolatrikona ~ mesto najjačeg uticaja / delovanja
5. ovde postoji kombinacija "neutralan prijatelj" i "neutralan neprijatelj"
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:14 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
The mahadashas

Each of the mahadashas will have an effect on the individual's life by highlighting the effects of the planet concerned for its duration, both in terms of its general nature, and by the exact nature of the planet's placement in the person's horoscope (e.g. easy or difficult). Thus the exact effect of each mahadasha can vary greatly from person to person. In general terms, however, the effects of each mahadasha can be described as follows:

Ketu (7 Years)

In this period life will give the person only what is needed and will take away everything that is not. Also, any success during this dasha usually ends when the dasha itself does. When Ketu is strong it indicates sudden bursts of energy, discretion, liberation, universality, idealism, psychic ability, compassion, spirituality and self sacrifice. The effects of Ketu can be harsh and cruel when taking things away - generally it tends to strip away materialism and force a more spiritual perspective and a simpler existence. If Ketu is weakly placed it indicates possible health problems such as wounds, injuries, diseases of the spine and nervous system, ulcers, inflammations, fevers, intestinal diseases, low blood pressure, mental instability and skin diseases.
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:14 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Venus (20 Years)

This is a time when the person seeks worldly happiness, and themes of marriage, love and children are prominent. Wealth, prosperity, luxury, beauty and sensual pleasures are indicated and psychic ability is increased. Success in all these areas depends on how well Venus is placed in the individual horoscope - a badly placed Venus can bring unhappiness to these areas instead. During this mahadasha friendliness and relations with others are important, and charm, care and courtesy to others and towards the person concerned will be centre stage. If Venus is weakly placed then health problems could include venereal diseases, diabetes, anemia, kidney and bladderstones, weakness of sexual organs and impotence, paralysis, and asthma.

Sun (6 Years)

This is a time when the urge to be true to him or herself burns more strongly than usual in the individual, and greater energy will be put into the search for the person's real identity. It may be a crisis of confidence which spurs the need to seek inner truth, and purge the self of false influences. Education, spirituality, politics, medicine, business, high office in government and all forms of public success and acclaim are prominent. Astrologically, the sun is the planet of strength and power which can bring success if the person's true nature is expressed and they follow their own path, but this period can also force the person to make sacrifices and separate from those who do not support them in achieving that goal. If the sun is badly placed in the horoscope there may be an inability to project confidence and charisma. Weak placing of the sun can lead to health problems such as weak eyesight, headaches, erratic blood circulation, blood pressure, bone fractures and cancer, fevers, dental problems and weak immune system.
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:14 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Moon (10 Years)

This is the period when the person seeks connection to others through marriage, family and parenthood, which will all be themes of this time. Also indicated are starting a business, buying a home, and otherwise staking a claim in the world - in other words, themes of nurturing, security and putting down roots. It also indicates increased sensitivity, receptivity, imagination, good memory and the development of sound habits. If the moon is weakly placed in the horoscope it may mean that connections to family and children are absent, with feelings of exclusion from 'normal' family life. It is also a time when memories of childhood and upbringing are revisited and old issues faced, perhaps through seeing the evolution of the person's own family. In extreme cases this period may also see episodes of mental illness and instability. Other health problems include sleep disorders, lung problems, mouth problems, digestive complaints, neurological disorders, enlargement of spleen and frequent coughs and colds.

Mar$ (7 Years)

This is a time to pursue goals with energy and passion, and a sense of energy and excitement is present. Courage, a thirst for action and physical strength will be increased. There is a desire in the person to better themselves during this time, and sports and competitions are prominent. Buying a home may also feature during this time as rules property issues in Vedic astrology. If is weakly placed in the horoscope, there may be a lack of courage, strength, inability to improve the life circumstances, and a lack of help and comfort from family. This may bring complacency and stagnation, or else power struggles and arguments with others. Possible health problems include inflammations, wounds, burns, accidents, liver complaints, skin rashes, and cancer in muscular parts of body when in close conjunction with Rahu.
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:14 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Rahu (18 Years)

This period brings to the fore the degree of material attachment the person possesses and compels them to develop the qualities that are most lacking in the person's life. This often happens at an unconscious level and can put the person in mysterious and unforeseen circumstances. However, this mahadasha can bring enormous success as it brings focus and determination to the process, but it can also leave the person feeling out of control and chaotic, as things are accumulated and experienced without a proper sense of wisdom and understanding. Occupations indicated include diplomatic jobs, jobs requiring manipulation of facts, computing, engineering, pilots, and dealing with poison and drugs. When Rahu is weak it indicates health problems with diseases of phlegm, intestines, skin, nervous system, ulcer, blood pressure, mental disturbances and cancer.

Jupit€r (16 Years)

This is a period that always teaches something to the individual and it usually brings honor and recognition. It is a period of faith, hope and optimism when personal growth and a greater sense of fulfillment occurs, including marriage and children. It is a good period for opportunities for growth, and teachers and guides will play a useful role. There is a greater sense of morality, ethics and conscience in this mahadasha. Top political, business and administrative positions are indicated, such as bankers, presidents/kings, and lawyers. If is weak however, there may also be unrealistic, over-optimistic, arrogant attitudes, and a misplaced sense of entitlement. There may be bad teachers and guides who lead the person astray. If is difficultly placed then good health and wealth may be withheld, forcing a deeper fulfillment. Such health problems could include lymphatic and circulatory congestion, thrombosis, anemia, tumors, jaundice and other liver complaints, asthma, and diabetes. During this period the person may also meet people, or experience some random event that will change their life for the better.
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:15 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Saturn (19 Years)

This is a period when the person faces their limitations, and becomes aware of the possibility of their own mortality. Detachment from worldy concerns, spirituality, concentration, dutifulness, honesty, sincerity and constancy will be emphasised. Ill health, death of loved ones and/or the fear of those things will occur. The more attached the person is to material things and pleasures the more difficult the mahadasha will be. But great success is also possible as gives responsibility, ambition, practicality and perseverance. Hospitals, old people, legacies and inheritance, wills and money matters will be prominent. This period can bring pressure and suffering in order for the person to face reality and have compassion for others and spiritual growth. If is weakly placed then health problems could include chronic and painful diseases, cancer, skin diseases, paralysis, arthritis, gout, emaciation, indigestion, dyspepsia, insanity, impotence in men, asthma, retention of urine and intestinal obstruction.

Mercury (17 Years)

This mahadasha is a time of learning, curiosity, experimentation and the pursuit of the person's own interests. But sometimes this can be excessive. This mahadasha is a time when the person's career and worldly life could succeed hugely, or else fail totally. Either the person devises an effective and clever plan which allows them to ascend to greater heights, or they become overwhelmed by the many tasks and details of life, leading to mental escapism, indecisiveness, lethargy and fantasy. The position of Mercury in the person's horoscope will show how they go about things - will they say the right things, talk to the right people, get the details right - or not. At its best Mercury allows the person to see all possibilities at once, assess them accurately and discriminate between them. Qualities of good communication, intelligence, rationality, wit, shrewdness, judgment, dexterity and flexibility will also be emphasised if Mercury is well placed. If Mercury is badly placed then health problems could include psychic diseases, insomnia, nervous breakdown, skin diseases, loss of memory or speech, deafness, asthma, dyspepsia.
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:15 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Dashas provide a system to judge the effects of the planets throughout a person's life, by indicating how the planets distribute their effects throughout a lifetime. Each dasha is controlled by one planet, and the quality and relative benevolence of each period is determined by the condition and position of that planet in the natal chart.

There are nine planets or grahas which may rule dashas: the seven classical planets, plus the north node, Rahu, and south node, Ketu, of the Moon.

There are at least 43 different dasha systems, including:

Vimshottari dasha
Ashtotari dasha
Yogini dasha
Kaalchakra dasha
Panchottari dasha
DwisaptatiSama dasha
Shasthiyayni dasha
Dwadashottari dasha
Shodashottari dasha
Shatabdika dasha
Chara dasha
Sthira dasha
Varnada dasha
Shoola dasha
Brahma dasha
Kaal dasha
Chakra Dasha
Karaka Dasha
Manduka Dasha
Kendra dasha
Navamsa Dasha
Drig Dasha
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:15 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Vimshottari Dasha

Vimshottari Dasha is a 120 year long cycle of planetary positions based on the position of the Moon in one of the 27 divisions, or lunar mansions, called nakshatras. In this system, each planet is assigned a different mahadasha or major period, ranging from six to twenty years. For example, the mahadasha of Shukra (Venus), lasts twenty years and will bring the karmic pattern that Venus reveals in the horoscope into the lime-light of the native's life.
Each of the seven planets and the two lunar nodes (making the nine navagraha) has its own period or mahadasha in the cycle. Each graha is the lord (or ruler) of three of the twenty seven nakshatras (3 x 9), which, together with the position of the moon, determine how the system operates. The order and times of the mahadashas are shown in the following table:

Graha Mahadasha Lord of Nakshatras

Ketu (south node) 7 Years Ashwini Magha Mula

Venus 20 Years Bharani Purva Phalguni(pubba) Purva Ashadha

Sun 6 Years Krittika Uttara Phalguni(uttara) Uttara Ashadha

Moon 10 Years Rohini Hasta Shravana

Mars 7 Years Mrigashirsha Chitra Dhanishtha

Rahu (north node) 18 Years Ardra Swati Shatabhishak

Jupiter 16 Years Punarvasu Vishakha Purva Bhadra

Saturn 19 Years Pushya Anuradha Uttara Bhadra

Mercury 17 Years Ashlesha Jyestha Revati

Position of the moon

For each individual the order of the mahadashas depends upon the placement of the moon in the nakshatras. The nakshatra in which the moon is occupant at birth determines the first mahadasha of the person's life, depending on which of the graha is its lord. For example, if the moon is in Punarvasu at birth, the Vimshottari cycle for that person will begin with the mahadasha of Jupiter, the lord of Punarvasu.
However, the exact position of the moon in the nakshatra also determines the proportion of the first mahadasha that there is to run. In other words, if the moon is 1/4 of the way through the nakshatra Punarvasu, then 1/4 of the time is taken from the first mahadasha, giving only 12 years (3/4) left for the Jupiter period to run. The person would thus come under the influence of the next mahadasha (Saturn) at only 12 years old, despite the Jupiter mahadasha normally lasting 16 years.

IZVOR : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasha_(astrology)
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:15 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Tumačenje Varsh-Dasha :

Da bi videli kako će koja Dasha da deluje na osobu, prvo moramo da utvrdimo snagu svih planeta, njihove aspekte, položaj, ali i stepen na kojem se nalaze. Za to nam treba Drekkana tabela (ili podela svakog znaka na 10°)

~ znak Ovan da ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Mars ; od 10° do 20° Sunce ; od 20° do 30° Venera

~ znak Bik da ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Merkur ; od 10° do 20° Mesec ; od 20° do 30° Saturn

~ znak Blizanci ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Jupiter ; od 10° do 20° Mars ; od 20° do 30° Sunce

~ znak Rak ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Venera ; od 10° do 20° Merkur ; od 20° do 30° Mesec

~ znak Lav ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Saturn ; od 10° do 20° Jupiter ; od 20° do 30° Mars

~ znak Devica ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Sunce ; od 10° do 20° Venera ; od 20° do 30° Merkur

~ znak Vaga ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Mesec ; od 10° do 20° Saturn ; od 20° do 30° Jupiter

~ znak Škorpija ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Mars ; od 10° do 20° Sunce ; od 20° do 30° Venera

~ znak Strelac ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Merkur ; od 10° do 20° Mesec ; od 20° do 30° Saturn

~ znak Jarac ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Jupiter ; od 10° do 20° Mars ; od 20° do 30° Sunce

~ znak Vodolija ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Venera ; od 10° do 20° Merkur ; od 20° do 30° Mesec

~ znak Ribe ima podelu : od 00° do 10° Saturn ; od 10° do 20° Jupiter ; od 20° do 30° Mars

Pa tako, ako je planeta u svojoj sopstvenoj Drekkani dobija 10 bodova, u prijateljskoj dobija 7,5, u neutralnoj dobija 5, a u neprijateljskoj dobija 2,5.

Primer : Sunce u 1 Drekkana Škorpija kojom vlada Mars ~ to je prijateljska Drekkana i Sunce dobija 7,5 bodova.

Da se vratimo na Varsh-Dasha i zašto je bitno u kojoj Drekkani je postavljena planeta. Po djotišiju Sumeet Chough-u i starim spisima, ako se planeta nadje u 1 delu Drekkane dogadjaj iz godišnjeg će se desiti na početku, ako se nadje u 2 delu Drekkane dogadjaj će se desiti sredinom godine, a ako se nadje u 3 delu Drekkane dogadjaj će se desiti pred kraj godine (ovde naravno termin "godina" se vezuje za početak godišnjeg čarta - od rodjendana do rodjendana, 12 meseci, to je "jedna godina" osobe ~ da se ne zbunite pa da računate od Januara do Decembra kao "godinu"!)
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:16 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Generalno tumačenje planetarnih perioda :

Sunce : ako je dobro postavljeno doneće veliku sreću i pomoć države / društva, osobi će svako biti na usluzi i puno toga će mu se pomoći i učiniti. Naklonost "kralja" (države, ili pak direktora ako se radi o poslu) a moguća je i promena društvenog staleža, napredak na poslu, povećane imovine i sl. Ako je pak slabo / loše postavljeno, doneće puno sukoba i svadja, probleme sa autoritetom, konflikt sa državom ili direktorom na radnom mestu, probleme u kući sa muškim članovima porodice, gubitak posla, doma, imovine, opasnosti po zdravlje itd...

Mesec : ako je dobro smešten, biće duševnog mira, prosperitet, uspeh u bilo kojim poduhvatima, sreća u partnerskim odnosima, bilo da je reč o ljubavnici / ljubavniku ili pak suprugu / supruzi. Dobro postavljen Mesec u toku nj Daše donosi i mnogo poklona, ukrasa, nakita, prosperitet doma i ukućana (čak i prinovu u domu) Ali, ako je loše postavljen ili aflikovan, može doneti probleme sa zdravljem (psiha, duša...) nemaština u domu, naročito za žensku rodbinu, prepreke na svakom koraku, opasnost od prevoza, gubitak prevoznog sredstva, problemi sa domom, pa čak i gubitak doma, prinudno preseljenje itd...
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:16 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Mars : ako je dobro postavljen, bilo da je Maha ili Antar Daša u pitanju, donosi uspeh, slavu, popularnost "imena porodice", povećanu hrabrost i sngau. Biće primetnog novčanog prosperiteta. Rodjena osoba će poraziti svoje protivnike i neprijatelje, a povećaće joj se samopouzdanje. Ako je Mars aflikovan ili slab, onda će tokom njegove Daše da dodje do problema sa zdravljem vezano za krv, žuč, ali i genitalije. Donosi svadju, tuče, povrede, kao u javnom životu, tako i u ljubavnom životu. Mogućnost uplitanja u skandale kako javne (posao) tako i privatne (dom)

Merkur : kada je dobro smešten biće sreće sa prijateljima, sticanje znanja, popularnost, dobitak u trgovini i poslovanju, a osoba će biti dinamične prirode, svestranija i komunikativnija nego obično. Ako je pak Merkur slab, odoba će postati nervoznija nego obično, brzopleta, neće imati uopšte samopouzdanja, a saradnici / rodjaci će joj praviti problema, ogovarati je iza ledja, a čak je moguće i da će je toliko ponižavati da će morati da ode sa tog radnog mesta / iz doma. Osećanje potištenosti i nerasploženja će je pratiti i na javi i na snu.
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:16 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Jupiter : ako je dobro smešten tokom svog Daša perioda, čini da osoba se okreće ka duhovnim delima i donosi potrebu da se "postane bolji čovek". Mogućnost napredovanja i velikog prosperiteta. Napredak u karijeri, podrška i pomoć svih oko njega. Popularnost i omiljenost su zasigurni. Ispunjenje želja je sasvim moguće i to čak i bez te pomoći drugih. Ako je pak loš ili slabo postavljen, doneće preispitivanje Vere, pa čak i njen gubitak, bezbožnost, raskalašno ponašanje, veliko trošenje i dugove. Problem sa poslom i nadredjenima zbog slabog izvršavanja svojih dužnosti. problemi sa zdravljem su mogući u predelu grla i potiljka. Loše za ispite, učenje, traženje posla.

Venera : ako je dobro postavljena, njen Daša period će doneti uspeh u finansijama sa kojima će osoba da ulepša svoj dom, kupi novo prevozno sredstvo, pa čak donosi i uspeh u sportu. Naglašena čula i potreba za fizičkim kontaktima. Uživanje na putovanjima, počasti i pohvale. Puno radosnih dogadjaja u domu. Ako je aflikovana, donosi klevete / skandale zbog sex.veza, finansijskih prevara ili nameštanja sportskih rezultata na takmičenjima. Nemaština i problemi dolaze od partnera ili zbog pogrešnog odabira partnera. Problemi sa virusima, infekcijama i veneričnim bolestima zasiguni. Emotivna patnja zbog gubitka bližeg rodjaka.
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:16 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Saturn : ako je dobro smešten, njegova Daša će doneti "naplatu uloženog truda" te samim tim i povećanje prihoda, stabilizaciju na poslu, ali i u domu. Težak rad, ali i velike pohvale zbog istog. Ako je pak aflikovan, njegova Daša će doneti velike probleme kako u kući, tako i u javnosti. Veliki problemi sa novcem, dugovima, gubici, nemoralna dela (u koja sama osoba ne mora da bude upletena, ali može biti žrtveno jare) Problemi sa zdravljem vezani za reumatizam, bolove, padove, povrede koje donose patnju i agoniju (pa čak i gubitak nekog dela tela)

Rahu SMČ : povoljno postavljen donosi opasnost od otrova, gubitke zbog lopova, duševne probleme, smrt bliskih rodjaka, podredjenost i poniznost, ponižavanje, preteranu skromnost i nesigurnost. Ako je pak aflikovan i slab ili je uključen u Raja-Yogi ili Dharma-Yogi, može doneti sumnjive prihode i česta putovanja za koja se ne zna pravi razlog. Generalno loš period.

Ketu JMČ : povoljno postavljen, donosi kratkoročne uspehe na berzi, vraćanjem dugova, bilo kakvih akcija vezanih za finansije. Ako je aflikovan, opasnost skoro na svakom koraku, puno neprijatelja, konfrontacija i svadja. Strahovi su pojačani i mogu osobu da odvedu ili u (duševnu) bolnicu ili pak da pomute razum tako da osoba nema orijentaciju u prostoru i često povredjuje sebe padovima i sl.
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:17 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Sada ćemo da pokažemo na primerima kako se koristi sve ovo :

-1- primer : ženska osoba 17/07/1959 u 08h35am Gwalior (Indija) Janma Naksatra Jyestha (18)

Lagna 08° Lav
Sunce 00° Rak
Mesec 19° Škorpija
Mars 04° Lav
Merkur 24° Rak
Jupiter Retro 28° Vaga
Venera 13° Lav
Saturn Retro 09° Strelac
SMČ 14° Devica
mcc 07° Bik

Istorija slučaja : ova osoba se udala 30/11/1980 u svojoj 22-oj godini u glavnom periodu (Maha Daša) i podperiodu (Antar Daša) Venera koji je prirodni vladar braka i koji u čartu i aspektuje 7 Bhavu.[1]

Sada njen Tajika čart (godišnji dijagram) :

Lagna 10° Strelac
Sunce 00° Rak
Mesec 19° Lav
Mars 09° Devica
Merkur 23° Blizanci
Jupiter 14° Lav
Venera 24° Bik
Saturn 29° Lav
SMČ 27° Rak
mcc 24° Devica
Muntha : Bik

Prema Mudda Vimshottari Daši rodjena osoba je bila pod godišnjom dašom Venera koja je prirodna karaka za brak, a koja je smeštena sa Munthom. Pošto se nalazi u sopstvenoj Bhavi, jaka je i tako daje mogućnost da se u toku te godine sklopi brak.

-2- primer : ista ženska osoba u pitanju, ali sada godišnji čart za njenu 23-ću godinu kada je 11/09/81 rodila prvo dete.[2] I ovde je ova žena u MD Venera i AD Venera ali pošto je Venera dobro smeštena sa Yogakaraka Mars koji je vladar Saptams podznak došlo je do začetka tj rodjenja deteta.

Dete je rodjeno tokom SMČ perioda koji je dobro smešten sa vladarom 5 Bhave ~ Sunce . SMČ je generalno malefik i tako aflikuje Sunce (u djotišu :0: nikako nije dobra, naročito ako je 1 ili više planeta malefičnog karaktera) Sama 5 Bhava je opkoljena tj nalazi se izmedju SMČ i Saturn ~ prilikom porodjaja došlo je do manjih komplikacija i dete je rodjeno sa carksim rezom.

-3- primer : rodjena osoba je izgubila oca 01/01/82 u svojoj 23-ćoj godini. U pitanju su podaci iste ženske osobe. Kao i pri rodjenju, još uvek je bio MD Venera i AD Venera . Ovde vidimo u godišnjem čartu da je Venera vladar 2 i 7 Bhave od 9 Bhave (kuće oca) Smeštena je sa malefikom Mars i opkoljena dodatno maleficima. Smrt oca je kod nje doneo totalni emotivni i psihički krah. U njenom godišnejem vidimo da je Muntha neprijateljski aflikovana od Mars i Saturn a i sam Munthesh (vladar Munthe ~ u ovom slučaju Muntha je u Bik pa je opet ta Venera aktivirana) To pokazuje emotivnu uznemirenost i ucveljenost. Vladar 9 Bhave je Jupiter i on je u 6 Bhavi aflikovan od Saturn i Mars takdoje. Očeva smrt je nastupila u Saturn Daša periodu, a on upravo (saturn) aflikuje vladara 9 Bhave i samu 9 Bhavu. Mars i Saturn takodje aflikuju i Mesec koji je vladar duha i duše, pa to dodatno nam pokazuje da će u toku godine osoba imati gubitke zbog kojih će klonuti duhom ili u težem slučaju završiti u bolnici zbog duhovnog rastrojstva. Sam Mesec je u 9 Bhavi (opet pokazuje razlog tog emotivnog rastrojstva ~ 9 Bhava = otac)


1. To je pravilo Graha i Drištija :

Sunce "gleda" samo 7 Bhavu od one u kojoj se sam nalazi ~ :180:
Mesec "gleda" samo 7 Bhavu od one u kojoj se sam nalazi ~ :180:
Mars "gleda" 4-7-8 Bhavu od one u kojoj se sam nalazi ~ :90: :180: :150:
Merkur "gleda" samo 7 Bhavu od one u kojoj se sam nalazi ~ :180:
Jupiter "gleda" 5-7-9 Bhavu od one u kojoj se sam nalazi ~ :120: :180:
Venera "gleda" samo 7 Bhavu od one u kojoj se sama nalazi ~ :180:
Saturn "gleda" 3-7-10 Bhavu od one u kojoj se sam nalazi ~ :60: :180: :90:
SMČ "gleda" 5-7-9 (12) Bhavu od one u kojoj se sam nalazi ~ :120: :180:
JMČ "gleda" 5-7-9 (12) Bhavu od one u kojoj se sam nalazi ~ :120: :180:
2. kada radimo ovakvu predikciju moramo uzeti u obzir i Saptams kako natalni tako i godišnji, jer se on uzima za proučavanje plodnosti i dece.
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:17 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Sada ćemo uzeti za primer jedan muški čart : 05/11/68 u 14h13 (IST) Delhi (Indija) Janma Nakshatra : Bharani (2)

Lagna : 12° Vodolija
Sunce 19° Vaga
Mesec 21° Ovan
Mars 04° Devica
Merkur 02° Vaga
Jupiter 04° Devica
Venera 25° Vaga
Saturn Retro 27° Ribe
SMČ 15° Ribe
mcc 20° Škorpija

Istorija slučaja : osoba je imala probleme sa zakonom i vladom / državnom u svojoj 26-toj godini. Tada je bila u MD Jupiter i AD Mars . Obe planete su u natalnom čartu u 8 Bhavi, u aflikaciji, jer su u :0: a i pored njih je JMČ i obe "gledaju" Saturn iz 2 polja koji je vladar 12 Bhave.

Ovde imamo Bandhan Yogu : Mars i Jupiter su u 6 polju od pozicije Mesec u natalnom čartu i obe dele isti stepen (04°) i imaju aspekt i sa Saturn i sa JMČ . Ova Yoga donosi probleme sa zakonom i lišavanje slobode osobe.

-2- primer : ista osoba, njen Tajika čart za 26-tu godinu : 06/11/93 u 00h02 Delhi

Lagna 22° Rak
Sunce 19° Vaga
Mesec 00° Rak
Mars 03° Škorpija
Merkur Retro 20° Vaga
Jupiter 05° Vaga
Venera 02° Vaga
Saturn 29° Jarac
SMČ 10° Škorpija
mcc 18° Ovan
Muntha : Ribe
Početna Daša Merkur za 51 dan.

Ovde vidimo da je Muntha u 9 Bhavi, a Muntheš Jupiter u 4 Bhavi, što donosi probleme i nevolje. Muntheš je aflikovan od Sunce koje je vladar 2 Bhave i koji je debilitirano (u padu) Ova kombinacija je aflikovana pa još i od Saturn . Venera Sunce Merkur Jupiter Mesec i Saturn su inače ovde neprijatelji jedno drugome. Ova osoba je bila uhapšena u toku daše aflikovanog i slabog Muntheša. Ali sama Muntha je dobro pak smeštena u 9 Bhavi, te tako je osoba i oslobodjena posle presude za prekršaj koji je uradila. Sunce kao vladar 2 Bhave je debilitirano i u istoj Bhavi gde i Jupiter ~ u 4 Bhavi, pa je tako oslobodjenje od presude dosta koštalo i tu osobu i njenu porodicu.[1]


1. Što je preciznija Daša - Maha Daša, Antar Daša, Pratyantar Daša i ostale "sitnije" Daše, to će preciznost predikcije kada će se neki dogadjaj odigrati biti bolja. Najbolje je to odraditit uz dodatnu pomoć 16 Yoga i Sahama.
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Re: Varsha Dasa
Počalji Pet 5 Jun 2015 - 1:17 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Analysis of Dasha According to Position of Planets
Počalji Sub 5 Mar 2016 - 22:25 od Jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी
Analysis of Dasha According to Position of Planets

Results related to Mahadasha and Antardasha of planets completely depend on the state of planets in a Janma Kundali. These results also depend on the state of relationships between planets and their corresponding planets. Let us try to understand this principles with the help of below mentioned examples.

If Mahadasha Nath is located on the arc of Rahu-Ketu, it may cause health problems for the native.
When the Lord of twelfth house transits with the Lord of second house or aspects the second house, it may become a powerful Marak planet during its Dasha or Antardasha.
In a Janma Kundali, auspicious Lords of center houses give auspicious results during Dasha or Antardasha of friendly planets.
In Sarvashtak Varga, a planet which has many points in the Kundali or which has many points in 11th house from the house in which it is present, the native receives auspicious results during its Dasha or Antardasha.
If Venus and Saturn are strong in a Janma Kundali, they cause failures in the native’s life during Dasha or Antardasha. However, if these planets are in sixth, eighth or twelfth house from each other or in trik houses from each other, they give auspicious results to the native.
If an exalted planet in Janma Kundali is debilitated in Navansh Kundali, it is unable to give auspicious results. On the other hand, if a debilitated planet in Janma Kundali is exalted in Janma Kundali, it gives auspicious results during its Dasha or Antardasha.
If Rahu is in a Trik house and it transits with the Lord of a center house or trine house, it gives auspicious results in the beginning of the Dasha. However, it may cause health problems in the later part of the Dasha.
If both Venus and Jupiter are present in Scorpio sign in a Janma Kundali or one of these planets is in Scorpio sign but they aspect each other, the native receives auspicious results during Venus’ Dasha.
The native receives auspicious results during Mercury’s Dasha if Sun and Mercury transit with each other in the native’s Janma Kundali.
The native receives extremely auspicious results during Moon’s Dasha if Moon and Mars transit with each other or aspect each other. However, the native receives mixed results during Mars’ Dasha.
The native will receive auspicious results during Saturn’s Dasha if Saturn and Jupiter transit with each other or aspect each other in a Janma Kundali. However, Jupiter’s Dasha will give mixed results.
Similarly, Moon’s Dasha becomes auspicious for the native if Moon and Jupiter transit with each other or aspect each other in a Janma Kundali. However, Jupiter’s Dasha still remain average and gives mixed results.
The Lord of the eighth house from a particular house destructs the results of this house during its Dasha.
If a planet in sixth, eighth or twelfth house are weak, they give extremely inauspicious during its Dasha.
If Antardasha Nath is present in second, fourth, fifth, ninth, tenth or eleventh house from Mahadasha Nath, the native receives auspicious results during its Dasha.
The native receives mixed results and the Dasha remains average if Mahadasha Nath and Antardasha Nath are in Samsaptak from each other.
If Antardasha Nath is in third, sixth, eighth or twelfth house from Mahadasha Nath, the native receives inauspicious results during its Dasha.
If Mahadasha Nath and Antardasha Nath are natural friends and they are the Lords of auspicious houses, the native receives auspicious results during their Dasha.
Antardasha Nath gives auspicious results to the native during its Dasha if it is present in an exalted sign of Mahadasha Nath in the Janma Kundali.
Dasha of Lords in fourth, fifth, ninth and tenth house from Mahadasha Nath gives auspicious results to the native.
The native experiences many important incidents in his life during Dasha of Mahadasha Nath and Lord of Mahadasha Nath’s Nakshatra.
Transit of planets with Mahadasha Nath affects the results a native receives during its Dasha. In fact, transits of other planets sometimes determines the kind of results the native receives during Dasha of Mahadasha Nath.
If Dasha Nath is not the Lord of a Trik house, but it is the Lord of an auspicious house and present in its exalted, own or moolatrikona sign, the native receives auspicious results. The native also receives auspicious results when Dasha Nath moves from the house where it is present to third, sixth, tenth or eleventh house.
Re: Varsha Dasa
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